
Overview of multilayered data monitoring in the apices space analogue mission
DIANA: An underwater analog space mission
Appropriate Placement of Electrodes for ECG Measurements in Military and Police Force
Measuring the Acceleration of Bulletproof Vests: Testing and Biomedical Limits
Tinydecisiontreeclassifier: Embedded C++ Library for Training and Applying Decision Trees on the Edge
Use of Nonlinear Analysis Methods for Visual Evaluation and Graphical Representation of Bilateral Jump Landing Tasks
Use of Nonlinear Analysis Methods for Evaluating IMU Data of Bilateral Jump Landing Tasks
Telemedicínský systém pro analogové mise a vesmírné aplikace: Aktuální stav a budoucnost vývoje
Posturální stabilita stoje členů IZS využívajících balistické vesty
IMU and Software for Recording and Evaluating the Movement of the Firearm and Shooter During Shooting